

Gaza a narrow strip of land, besieged, bombarded, massacred, starved, and silenced.

Since October 7, the Palestinian people have endured what has been described as a genocide, ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, destruction, and mass starvation.

They depend on us…

Hospitals are grappling with the immense challenge of tending to survivors, while severe restrictions on movement and access to basic necessities to sustain life, such as food, fuel, and electricity have left over 2 million Palestinian children, elderly, women and men constantly life in a state of hunger, fear, insecurity and vulnerability.

More Than


Palestinians lost their lives



Sustained injuries
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,

“The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.”

Riyad as-Salihin 1387

Life in Palestine

Gaza a narrow strip of land, besieged, bombarded, massacred, starved, and silenced. Since October 7, the Palestinian people have endured what has been described as a genocide, ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, destruction, and mass starvation.

Hospitals are grappling with the immense challenge of tending to survivors, while severe restrictions on movement and access to basic necessities to sustain life, such as food, fuel, and electricity have left over 2 million Palestinian children, elderly, women and men constantly life in a state of hunger, fear, insecurity and vulnerability.

The impact of your donations

Hospitals are grappling with the immense challenge of tending to survivors, while severe restrictions on movement and access to basic necessities to sustain life, such as food, fuel, and electricity have left over 2 million Palestinian children, elderly, women and men constantly life in a state of hunger, fear, insecurity and vulnerability.

Helps support families with essentials
Provides emergency aid to those suffering
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