Yemen Orphans & Widows

Support orphans and widows in some of the most remote areas of Yemen.



Donate to this appeal

All funds received are 100% used on specified appeals and orphan care.

Donate to this appeal

All funds received are 100% used on specified appeals and orphan care.


Support Widows & Orphans in Yemen

The suffering of children is one of the most difficult things to witness. Especially vulnerable to the effects of poverty and conflict, children are the hardest hit when faced with challenges that even adults would find difficult to cope with.

The escalation of conflict in Yemen has resulted in many civilian deaths leaving countless children parentless.

At Emaan Relief our goal, with your help, is to aid as many of these children and families as we can.

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People are in need of humanitarian assistance

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Children are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance
They depend on us

Help us in supporting those in need

The crisis in Yemen has led to unimaginable suffering for millions of people, with countless individuals and families facing dire circumstances. This ongoing conflict has caused widespread displacement, leaving many without homes or access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, and medical care.

Be with the Prophet ﷺ in Jannah.

Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Myself and the caretaker of an orphan will be in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together.

Sahih Al Bukhari-5659

A small gift, a big impact!
Half a month of support, thanks to your donation!
One donation, one month of meals and support for a family in need!

The impact of your donations

Your generous donations made a profound impact by providing essential assistance to those in desperate need in Yemen.


food packs



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